The Little Red Devil

Tales of Twisted Fibers

When I was young, I used to be quite a major pain in a certain part of my parent’s anatomy. I often wonder roughly how many times the pleasant thought of disowning me crossed their minds, and did they see this when they saw me? The Little Red DevilSo tell me, does this little kid in a Halloween costume remind you of a little trouble-on-two-legs in your life? If your answer is yes, why not make this little amigurumi devil for your darling little pain in the butt! 😉

The pattern for this 7 inch amigurumi includes instructions and step-by-step pictures on how to embroider amigurumi hair. Also included is the pattern for a pumpkin. What’s even better, it’s absolutely free! 😀


I hope you enjoy this pattern. And would you please consider making a small donation to Animal Nepal if you use this pattern? 🙂

Thanks for caring.



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